Protecting Your Rights When Facing Serious Federal Criminal Charges

Know The Difference Between Federal And State Crimes

If you are charged with a crime, you may be more concerned with the accusation itself than what type of charge it is. However, the level and type of charge can significantly affect your defense case.

It is vital to fully understand what you are up against during a criminal case. I, Neil W. Morrison, can review your situation and explain your options. Whether you face a state crime or a federal crime, accurate legal information from The Law Office of Neil W. Morrison, P.A., can help you build the best defense possible.

Why The Type Of Charges Matters

Federal and state crimes have several differences. First, the type of charge will impact which court will hear your case. Federal courts and state courts operate in slightly different ways. In addition, federal penalties are often much more severe than state penalties, but the penalties still vary based on the specific charges.

Whether you face state or federal charges, one thing remains the same: you can fight them. My firm can represent you in state or federal court, and I have extensive experience with complex cases. Together, we can create a strong trial strategy in your favor.

Common Types Of Federal And State Crimes

State crimes can include both misdemeanors and felonies that violate state law, such as:

  • Drug crimes within the same state, such as drug possession
  • Statutory rape and sexual assault
  • Robbery
  • Many forms of white collar crimes

Examples of federal crimes, which fall within the federal government’s control, include:

  • Mail fraud or internet fraud
  • Bank robbery
  • Immigration law violations
  • Drug trafficking across state or national borders and other major drug crimes
  • Kidnapping across state lines

The Law Office of Neil W. Morrison, P.A., focuses on defending clients against federal charges and high-level state charges in North Carolina. Although both types of cases can seriously jeopardize your freedom, I am prepared to protect your rights and your future.

Prepare Your Defense Today

Call my Pittsboro office at 919-396-5501 or email me for a case evaluation. With my experience and legal knowledge, I can give you reliable advice and representation.