Credit cards are a common way to pay for food, gas or anything you need for your livelihood. The problem with credit cards is that people use them so frequently. You might not realize that malicious parties have a lot of opportunities to steal your credit card...
Year: 2020
What are the 5 classes of drugs?
There are many factors that impact the type of penalties you receive for drug crimes. Along with drug schedules, substances are also broken down into classes based on their effect on the body and mind. According to the United States Drug Enforcement Administration,...
How common are false sexual assault allegations?
In the aftermath of the #MeToo movement, society began to embrace the approach of believing all women who accuse men of improprieties. This ranged from unwanted verbal, sexual attention to rape. However, the fact remains that some women do make false allegations and...
What are the differences between prison and jail?
In casual conversation, you might have heard people refer to prison and jail interchangeably. Without giving the terms much thought, you likely considered these words synonyms. Yet, if you have been accused of a criminal offense, you may wonder if there are...
Ghosting versus posting: Social media can impact criminal cases
Although social media users share a myriad of positive posts and stories on their platforms, the timestamps, locations and photographs can exhibit much more than you want to convey. Even if you set your accounts to private, there is no guarantee that only your...
How does entrapment work?
Facing drug charges opens you up to serious consequences. If the allegations have evidence to back them up, you may not know how to defend yourself. One of the complete defenses to drug charges is entrapment. If you commit a drug crime but the court finds that the...
Can a drug conviction disrupt your ability to practice medicine?
As someone who practices medicine, you may worry about drug convictions you have on your record. After all, the field of medicine takes poorly to criminal convictions of many sorts, leaving you in the lurch if it happens to you. It is thus important to understand...
What are the costs of committing mail fraud?
North Carolina follows federal rules when it comes to handling mail fraud. This is because mail fraud is a white collar crime that falls under federal jurisdiction. Because of its status as a federal crime, penalties are the same across the board. It is important to...
How do you legally carry prescription meds out of the house?
You have a legal medication prescribed to treat a diagnosed health condition. If you occasionally take your meds with you when you leave the house, do you transport them in a way that North Carolina police do not deem suspicious? The Recovery Village explains how to...
Understand statutory rape charges
Statutory rape can carry stiff consequences for people, and defendants need to understand exactly what this charge means. People commit statutory rape when they have sexual relations with someone under the age of consent. FindLaw says that people can face statutory...